These Four Zodiac Signs Are The Most Likely to Feel Anxious

There are a lot of reasons to feel anxious right now, from financial and medical to emotional stress, and everyone is being hit hard. However, some people just naturally have a harder time with anxiety than others, and while that is sometimes due to how individuals are wired, it also has to do with what is in the stars. 

Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, and Virgo signs are more prone to anxiety. If you have those signs, take care, and read on to learn more!


When Mercury comes into Pisces, Pisceans become even more sensitive than usual, especially in their communication. Don’t be alarmed if you get triggered easily, this is normal and expected. 

You might feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders as you are looking for direction and meaning, as well as second-guessing yourself. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone for help, and take time to relax, unplug, and meditate, knowing the peace can only come from within. 


Cancers are high on the empathy scale, feeling so much from others that they take it on themselves. It might be hard dealing with the burdens of others, and that can take a toll. It is normal for you to feel the pressure of the world build up, causing you to lash out. 

As a Cancer, people often depend on you as their emotional shoulder. Embrace this, as helping others can often be a way to help yourself. Find a way to help the world without stressing yourself. Many Cancers have found that caring for a plant makes for an excellent stress reliever. 


Virgos love to have things in order, but the pursuit of that order and the moments when it does not come can be very stressful for them. Try to let things go, even if it is against your nature, and let the world be as it is. If you can accomplish that, you will be all the happier for it.

The next time something you are doing does not come out perfect, or you feel frazzled at how disorganized everything is, give yourself a break. Meditate and ask yourself why things need to be a certain way, and if it is truly a problem if they are not. You may surprise yourself with the answer.


Libras are sharp individuals, and the luck they have had in their innate intelligence may be offset by the stress that it can cause them. You might find yourself being argumentative, and you may feel like a walking contradiction when your highly social behavior gets turned on its head and you just want to hide from the world.

Don’t fret, and give yourself a little me-time. You will see how much you have to value about yourself, as well as how beautiful life truly is when you look past the negativity. Remember, it will all be okay in the end.