These 4 Zodiac Signs Have the Strongest Immune Systems

While the state of your immune system depends on so many factors such as age and previous or current diseases, diet, and there is also our baseline immunity. And just as the zodiac can provide insight into our strengths, weaknesses, and personality, it can shed a light on our natural state of health too. These four-star signs have the strongest inherent immunity.


Although the Scorpio is known to be someone of a risk-taker, they seem to somehow find themselves escaping any tricky situations without harm and even enjoying all-around good health. This good fortune only adds to their natural sense of mystery – but it’s not just down to luck. Scorpio folks have great willpower and this really shines through in their attitude to health and wellness. They tend to avoid binge eating, and always take the time to work out, even when they don’t necessarily feel like it.  


While a Scorpio’s health comes down to hard work on their part, a Virgo’s strong immune system is thanks to their extreme caution. One of their negative traits is that they can be prone to overthink, but it can pay off when it comes to looking after their health. At the first sign of a sniff, they’ll be organizing a full range of home remedies and keeping a check on their symptoms to ensure things don’t develop any further. Their constant health worries might leave you to believe they’re very delicate, but it’s actually what makes them stronger than other signs of the zodiac.


Just like the bull that represents them, Taurus people are known for being incredibly hardworking and dependable. And these strengths apply to their physical self as much as their personality. Taking care of their body and health is important to them, as they need to know they can rely on it. The Taurus practical streak means that, if they do get sick, they will tackle it head-on as they do with most things in their life, rather than wallowing in the illness, and tend to recover very quickly. You could almost say that a Taurus is too stubborn to get seriously ill. 


It might be something of a cliché, but it tends to be true: Leos love to be in the spotlight. And knowing that (ideally) all eyes will be on them, these folks ensure that they will be looking their best at any given moment. Though they do have a love of the finer things in life, such as good food and drink, they avoid overindulging. Leos would hate to miss out on any social occasion, so getting sick is just not an option.