The Fascinating Connections Between Tarot Cards And Astrology

Tarot Astrology

Many think that the practice of Tarot just involves looking into cards and finding answers, and it might appear on the surface to have nothing to do with Astrology. While both have similar goals, they seem to go about them in different ways.  

However, the two practices are linked, and Tarot uses astrological methodologies as it reads your energies. 

The Origins of Tarot and Astrology

The two practices are both even older than you would think, dating back thousands of years. Modern Tarot emerged in the Renaissance era, taking the ancient methods and modifying them into the practice that we still use today. With the cards being used for divination, the energies of the universe can help you find a greater sense of who you are. 


In some ways, traditional tarot cards are a newer practice than Astrology, which has changed less over the years, with its basic tenets remaining the same over two millennia ago. As we have learned more about space and have discovered planets, Astrology has evolved, but the practice itself remains similar to its ancient form as it uses the positions and movement of objects in space to discover our inner truths. Our date of birth gives us our Zodiac sign, as the energies of the planets impact our personalities.

Cosmic Tarot and Astrology Tarot Cards

The two disciplines are very different, but they work in conjunction. Although Tarot lacks the mathematical component of Astrology, it uses established astrological elements in its practice. Constellations, stars, and planets play a major role in a Tarot session, and the Major Arcana, which are the trump cards in a Tarot card pack, may stem from constellations. The Minor Arcana, which consists of the 56 suit cards, has pairings with the four elements. 

Astrological signs also match with Tarot cards, and together they have corresponding elements. The Tarot Wands are connected to Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, which fall under the Fire group. The Tarot Pentacles are connected to Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, which fall under the Earth group. For Air, it is The Tarot Swords, which is connected to Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Water is the group of The Tarot Cups, which is connected to Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Individual planets also match with individual cards. 

Tarot and Astrology Help Us Find Who We Really Are

Each part of these pairings, from the cards and Zodiac signs to the elements, symbolizes who we are. These connections make it necessary to understand Astrology if you are a Tarot practitioner, as the energies from the planets are the same energies picked up on in Tarot cards. 

The astrological signs have energy that complements that of Tarot cards, and these energies paint a fuller picture when a Tarot expert is reading you. These very different practices, with Astrology being scientific and Tarot being mathematical, work together to help us discover who we really are on the inside, and what our future holds for us.