How is Food Linked to Astrology Houses?

There are different kinds of foods linked to astrology. For example, comfort food is related to Cancer and the Moon, indulgent foods are linked to Taurus and Venus, and the asteroid Ceres rules food overall. If you’ve worked in the food industry, or just enjoy cooking in general, you’ll have a strong emphasis on both the second and fourth house (comfort and indulgent foods). It is also important to note that Venus, the Moon, and Ceres are in the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses of money, work, and career, respectively. In the 2nd and 4th houses, the love of food and cooking is connected to Venus and Jupiter, and the 5th house (Venus or the Moon) rules your hobbies. Cooking can be a hobby and the 5th house emphasis is often prevalent with bakers and foodies.

If you do not like to cook at all then there may be a difficulty with the Moon, Venus, or not belongings to planets in Taurus or Cancer. Conjunctions, squares, or oppositions to the Moon, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Ceres, Venus, or Pluto may be prevalent and if you’re more closely connected with Saturn or Pluto then you can find cooking to be something you can get accustomed to doing over a long period of time (Saturn) and eventually discover something within yourself (Pluto) to grow and transform. If you enjoy international cuisine, then you’re most connected to Jupiter and the 9th house. As a Sagittarius, you can have a personal connection to the planet Jupiter and the asteroid Ceres. Even though you may not like to cook much or aren’t much of a foodie, you may have realized that you possess aspects of the 1st, 2nd, or 4th houses. You will become more connected with the Sun, Moon, Venus, or Ceres.