Your Horoscope for May 2024

Jupiter is going to be doing good things for you over the month of May, Scorpio! He’s shifting into your creative sector during the middle of May, which brings all sorts of wonderful inspiration your way! You are feeling a flow and are able to pursue your passions and hobbies. This may also bring a period in your life in which you’re just having a whole lot of fun, and accessing your inner child feels effortless! You’re releasing control, Scorpio, and it feels great! This may bring some fabulous romance into your life, particularly a connection that feels very soulful and deep.

It may not necessarily be a committed relationship, but it can go there if you want it to. If you are already seeing someone, then this can be a time of better connection and more fun in your existing relationship. If you are planning it, this month may be a great one to try and conceive! So, is there any downside to May? Well, on the domestic front, Scorpio, you may have some difficulties as Saturn slows down and settles down causing you to slow your progress. Moving plans may be delayed or family issues may crop up that need to be resolved. The stars have spoken. If you are looking for more insights about your day or near future - check your daily tarot reading >>



It may be much easier for you to attract the attention of a boss or someone with authority today, Scorpio. With the Moon in Leo square Venus in Taurus in your houses of reputation and relationships, this could even lea... Read your Scorpio love horoscope for today >>


With the Moon in Leo square Venus in Taurus in your houses of honors and contracts, you may meet someone who can help you to make positive changes to your career outlook, Scorpio. This could be a coach or consultan... Read your Scorpio wealth horoscope for today >>

This horoscope was written by Hailey Paul
This horoscope was written by Hailey Paul
