Your Love Horoscope for September 12th, 2024

Gemini, with Pallas Athena in Sagittarius in your 7th house of relationships and negotiation trine the North Node in Aries in your 11th house of friendship and shared aspirations, part of your life path and growth is discovering someone with whom you can develop a shared sense of identity. This aspect encourages you to consider your life’s bigger picture and conjure innovative ideas with your partner or potential partner about how to lead the best lives you can. There are many philosophical considerations and values to set in order, but that process is exciting and teaches you about the depths of yourself and the other person. Your love horoscope for today ended, but there are plenty more love fortunes waiting to be told. Continue to your love fortune >>

This horoscope was written by Denise Moore
This horoscope was written by Denise Moore
