Your Horoscope for September 13th, 2024

Sagittarius, with Venus in Libra in your 11th house of social groups and friends opposite Chiron retrograde in Aries in your 5th house of creative expression and recreation, your friends might try to break you out of your shell and convince you to participate in new activities. This is your chance to allow your creativity to flow by embracing the collective undercurrents and trusting that your friends have your best interests in mind. The result is a creative awakening that allows you to assert yourself and feel like your own individual person. The stars have spoken. If you are looking for more insights about your day or near future - check your daily tarot reading >>



Sagittarius, your partner or potential partner can contribute to your healing with Jupiter in Gemini in your 7th house of relationships sextile Chiron retrograde in Aries in your 5th house of creative expression and romance. Jupiter’s influence indicates that th... Read your Sagittarius love horoscope for today >>


Sagittarius, with the Sun in Virgo in your 10th house of career ambitions and long-term goals trine the Moon in Capricorn in your 2nd house of finances and resources, your professional identity aligns with your astute and analytical emotions t... Read your Sagittarius wealth horoscope for today >>

Today's horoscope was written by Denise Moore
Today's horoscope was written by Denise Moore
